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Why should we choose Wallpapers over Paint?

24 Aug, 2021
Why should we choose Wallpapers over Paint?


1. Durability: Wallpaper is more long-lasting than paint. Paint can flake and peel, as a result of dampness or unintentional accidents, but wallpaper will hold up considerably better in most instances.


2. Style and Appearance: Wallpaper unifies your overall style and brings your appearance together with a unique combination of colour, texture, and depth and gives an unmatched layer of flair because to its various variations.


3. Styles and Patterns: Wallpaper offers a plethora of options, ranging from large-scale prints to smaller geometric patterns.



 4. Impact of Designs: Adding a bold print to a small space increases the impact significantly.


5. Layer of protection: It hides any flaws in the walls, completely concealing uneven or dented areas.